This is our cotton trophy for running the race. We wear it with pride.

Chris and I celebrated our independence on the 4th of July by running a 10K. This was our first time participating on an organized race and we LOVED it. I'm honestly sad that I'll have to wait another year to do it again. 50,913 completed the Peachtree Road Race this year and it was fun to be a part of the excitement.
Chris was a superstar runner, and he completed the race in 49 minutes and 33 seconds. That puts him at 3,388th place out of the 50,913 that finished.
I was not quite as speedy finishing at 1 hour 5 minutes. And one hour running in the Georgia summer heat feels like an eternity - especially the last mile as it's really heating up. It was still an amazing experience and my adrenaline kept me pumping through the torturous heat. My goal for next year is to complete the race under an hour. Even if my time is 59 minutes, I'll be proud. Here's to next year...