
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fun at Jillians

We took Boston to play games at Jillians. I think daddy had more fun than Boston did. Maybe we'll wait a few years before we go back.


Danielle Strong said...

Cuteness. Yeah, I'm so glad you started a blog!! I use it as a journal, that I will later make into a scrapbook. Keep em coming.

Sherri said...

YEAH!!! Hooray for blogging it is the journal and scrapbook rolled into one. Now it will be so much easier to keep up with your family!

Nicole, Paul, Ike and Aubs said...

Great to see you Fox family. Thanks for sharing all the cute pics. I can't believe how big Boston has become. Are you guys going to be in Atlanta this Christmas? If so we should meet up when we're in town.