
Sunday, December 20, 2009

My house at Christmas time

Those who know me well are aware of my impulsive need to decorate to fit the holiday season. (whichever holiday it happens to be) Boston has mimicked my behavior, as children often do. Although I started decorating BEFORE Thanksgiving, Boston is still asking me when we can decorate more. He gets such a kick out of it that I keep buying additional ornaments to add to my already decorated tree. I just can't say NO to him. (Well, at least in this case anyway)

In my efforts to keep my power bill at a relatively respectable level during the holiday season, I refrained from decorating the outside of my house this year. (with the exception of a few inflatables) So, here's the inside, since the outside is nothing to brag about this year.

Merry Christmas to all!


Ryan and Brindi said...

wow. i am really impressed. i felt proud of myself for putting up one little small tree and a couple of decorations here and there. i guess i need to learn a few things. and diddo on the strangers thing. aiden thought i had abandoned him when i sat him on santa's lap.

Courtney said...

Beautiful!!! I'm glad you have the energy for all that decorating. We got all our stuff down from the attic, but only put up 1/2 of it due to my lack of energy, and Ryan doesn't get into the decorating so much. Oh well, better luck next year...

The Fox Family said...

Brindi-How funny. Kids love Santa until they sit on his lap.