
Sunday, November 9, 2008

GA vs. FL football party

Chris and I had some friends over for the annual GA/FL college football game. We played some hard core wiffle ball before the game started. It was a beautiful day for competitive sports, played in our back yard and viewed on the TV in the back yard. Luckily we have patient neighbors. We had some friends there that are FL fans and they didn't give us too much grief when GA lost.
Christine, Chris and Michelle in their GA blacks. Too bad it didn't end up a "black out" game.
John devouring Chris's yummy BBQ chicken legs

High Five!

1 comment:

Vanessa, Zac and Noah said...

Carey! HOw the heck are you! I saw your blog attached to Kristinas and had to check it out! Your son is soooooo cute! He actually looks kind of like mine, curly locks and all. Anyways, fun to find you on here and a good way to keep up with you!Hope you guys are good (and I love your short hair!)