
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Our friends from Alabama came up to celebrate this weekend's festivities with us. Brian is a Polar Bear and his wife, Melissa is Sarah Palin. Brennan is a redneck groom and Asha is his pregnant redneck bride. (notice the black eye! too funny) They were kind enough to hand out candy for us while we went trick-or-treating with Boston. Last year, Boston was too young to walk around the neighborhood, so we just pulled him in the wagon. This was his first year to walk door to door and say "trick or treat!". He roared at everyone in his cute dragon costume.
We were rockers, but some people thought that Chris was dressed up as Chris Angel. Chris even let me put some eye liner on him. He looked so HOT!
Paula and her family went trick-or-treating with us. He son, Harrison was Spider Man - Boston's hero! It was the best day of Boston's life to be able to walk around with Spider Man himself!
The rockin' and fire breathing Fox family Rrrrraaaaaarrrrrrr!

1 comment:

Danielle Strong said...

Boston is so cute in that last picture! lol