
Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun on Lake Sinclair

This past weekend we had a wonderful time with Keith, Shannon, Seth and Jennifer at their parents’ house on Lake Sinclair. Boston loved riding on their sweet pontoon boat. The water was freezing, but it didn’t keep us from swimming. However, it did discourage us from getting in again. Boston got a real kick out of holding Seth’s catch of the day and playing with the minnows. It was so relaxing to be on the water. (well, as relaxed as you can be with an excited toddler on a boat and dock) Seriously though, there are few things I prefer over being on a lake. I was in heaven. Thanks to the Caldwells for sharing their lake home with us. We loved it.
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Mom V. said...

Seeing the picture of Boston standing on the dock holding the fish reminds me of you at camp Carey. Looks like you had a great time at the lake.

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you guys had a good time. The first time I saw that place I could just picture Boston running around in the backyard. We'll go again sometime this summer when the water is warmer!