
Sunday, March 1, 2009

It SNOWED today in Georgia!

That’s right. It’s the first day of March and it actually snowed today. Some times it was slush, but there were also times where the large flakes were worthy to be falling in Utah. Boston couldn't wait to get outside and play in it. We had the best time throwing snowballs at each other. The snow was perfect for compacting. It had just the right amount of slush to it for snowball making. Poor Boston didn’t really have snow appropriate clothing. We had to bring him inside before he was ready because his hands and feet were getting too cold. I think he would have played in it all day if we would have let him. What fun!
Also, I must note the ongoing phenomenon that has been occurring all day. Not only has it been snowing, but THUNDER, yes thunder has been accompanying it throughout the day. STRANGE things are happening today in the great state of Georgia.


Sherri said...

How fun! I wish it would snow here. I would love it and I know Daniel would too!

Courtney said...

Oh, my Gosh!!! I couldn't believe it. How pretty. I love Boston's cute rosy cheeks. It's like Springtime here. Robins out in full force, 60 degree weather, no snow left in the valley. I'm ready to start gardening.