
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Braves Game

We went to the Braves game with a big bunch of people (the Cerseys, Dollars, Pearsons, Nicole Wood to name a few) when the entire upper level seats were only $1! Score! Boston had a great time playing with the other kids and learning the “tomahawk chop”. The game went into overtime all the way up to 15 innings but we called it quits during the 13th. You can only push a 2 and a half year old so far.
Boston is the cutest!! I love the backdrop of Atlanta behind him.

These were some of my favorites of Boston with Jackson, Drake, Megan and Alexis. (Boston's obsession) He loves "his" Lexie!

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1 comment:

The Cersey Family said...

So cute! We are so glad that you guys told us about the $1 seats! We had a great time with everyone. I love that first picture of Boston too. Jackson is also in love with Lex, which is cute now but it could get gross as he gets older since she is his cousin, but the game is on for Boston! That girl knows how to hook some studs!