
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Renaissance Festival

We went to the Renaissance Festival with John, Jennifer and Jackson Barry this past weekend. Aside from the excessive heat, we all had a great time. There is so much to do, see and eat. Turkey legs, deep fried foods, meats on sticks and the best ginger beer (ale) I've ever had! Boston loved the petting zoo and was mesmerized by all of the elaborate costumes. I think we will take Boston every year now because he enjoyed himself so much. We’ll just need to start saving our pennies now for next year because it’s a place you can really drop some coin. There are some free activities and shows, but it seemed like most of the things Boston was most interested in cost money.
Boston with some cleavage

We promised Boston that he could pick out a sword, and this was the mighty staff he ended up with. He loves it!!

Fox's and Barry's and super tall guy

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